In October 2020, our family dove into the world of congenital heart disease when we received Isaac's diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome at his twenty week ultrasound. Since then, Isaac has endured two open heart surgeries, two heart cathertization procedures, an airway reconstruction surgery, and countless echocardiograms, ECGs, bronchoscopies, speech/PT/OT therapy sessions and doctors appointments.
Isaac will be completing his third open heart surgery, the Fontan, in spring 2025. The Fontan is Isaac's final "planned" surgery, and we hope that with this surgery he can avoid needing a heart transplant for as long as possible... because after this surgery, there are NO other options! THIS is why we invest in congenital heart disease research. Families and medical teams before us invested in CHD research, helping Isaac live a beautiful four years, and we want to do the same for heart families to come. Our particular interest in the Children's Heart Foundation came up when we realized that the Foundation kickstarted the funding for a stem cell trial that Isaac participated in during his second surgery!
We have been blessed to be surrounded by family, friends, our school and faith communities, as well as a rockstar medical team who have always had Issac's best interests at heart. We are so thankful for your support in investing in a cause that is so dear to our family.