My Personal Fundraising Page

Jensen’s Journey

Hi Everybody! I'm Jensen! I am 2 years old and have a congenital heart defect. My diagnosis is DORV (double outlet right ventricle), VSD, D-TGA malposition, mild HRHS, pulmonary stenosis, nonfunctional pulmonary valve, bronchomalasia, hypotonia, and bachdalek hernias. I am also autistic and have cortical visual impairment. But I am so happy and loving life! I had my OHS in October 2022 when I was less than 4 months old. I also had 2 cardiac caths to create an ASD and put in some stents. Since the last cath I have been doing great with my heart but I know I'll have to have another surgery and probably another cath procedure in the next year or so. I spent a lot of time in the STLCH CICU/TCiCU in 2022 and they helped me and my family so much. I wouldn't be her without the research and help of the Congenital Heart Defect Organizations and STL Children's Heart Center Nurses, Doctors, and Therpists. I want to thank them all and hope to be able to raise money with the CHD Walk!

If you can, please help! You can donate to my page or my team #JensensJourney or to the CHD organization. You can also help by joining my team or any team and help spread the word. I am a 1 in 1000 CCHD (complex congenital heart defect) but CHD babies are 1 in 100 births! It's the number one congenital birth defect so you probably know somebody (besides me) that has a CHD. This is a great way to help all of us. 

Thank you for visiting my page and considering helping! ? -Jensen

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My Supporters

  • Amy Rodrigues A day ago
  • Jodene Scheller Last month
  • Dana Witt July 2024 $50.00
  • Patricia Mercer July 2024
  • Anonymous July 2024 $77.26
  • Anonymous July 2024 $77.26
  • Dana Witt July 2024 $50.00
  • Anonymous July 2024 $30.90