My Personal Fundraising Page

My baby sister, Eleanor, was born July 23, 2023. The hospital team quickly realized something was wrong and she was diagnosed with D-Transposition of the Great Arteries. She was urgently transferred to Methodist Children’s for a balloon septostomy and had her arterial switch 9 days later. Eleanor is now a thriving, happy, bouncy, and giggly little one year old! Every day she shows strength and resilience. She loves to chase me and steal my toys and food. She gives lots of kisses. We like to sing songs together and yell at the top of our lungs! I call her 'chicken noogle' 'baby girl' 'sissy' and 'El-na-nor'! 

I so thankful for the incredible doctors, nurses, surgeons, therapist, and medical professionals who have helped her grow so I get to play with her every day! My mommy, daddy and I are especially grateful for the funding and research that paved a way for Eleanor to have a chance at life. 

Thank YOU for walking with my family and donating to support research. Chicken noogle has another surgery ahead of her and we pray for new innovative technology so she will be able to get back home quick after her surgery!! 

Love, Griffin 

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