Team Super James Fundraising Page
Welcome to team SUPER JAMES! This is our second year participating in the Congenital Heart Walk to celebrate our heart warrior, James, and raise funds to support the research to help all of those affected by CHD.
James’s CHD of Pulmonary Atresia was discovered at my twenty-week anatomy scan. At the time we were completely foreign to the CHD world and didn’t know what the future held for our little man. We were hopeful that the repair to open his pulmonary artery could but done in the cath lab but that proved dangerous with the other abnormalities of his heart including a moderately hypoplastic right ventricle, a curved PDA, an atreial septal defect, and a tethered tricuspid valve. This was all discovered in cath lab when he was 4 days old which led to his first open heart procedure at 8 days old for a BT shunt. He was so strong and recovered beautifully. He was allowed to come home before his next big surgery which is usually out of the question. His surgeon, Dr. Viegas, was able to open his pulmonary valve at the same time the shunt was placed so he was stable enough to leave the hospital for a couple of months before it was time for the Glenn. The Glenn procedure was more difficult on 6-month-old James but they were able to bring in Dr. Da Silva to work with Dr. Viegas to repair the tricuspid valve at the same time she performed the Glenn procedure. He had to overcome a paralyzed diaphragm that required surgical repair just a few days after his Glenn surgery. After that, our Super James took off and showed us how strong he was in his recovery. Since then James has been impressing us (and his doctors!) every step of the way. He loves his cardiologist, Dr. Torok, and his cath lab doctor, Dr. Goldstein, and together, at this point, they have been so supportive in letting James be James and letting him show them if he needs any interventions in the future. We walk for Super James
Our Team
Jennifer Grubb Team Captain $1,762.50
Kathy Zhao $309.00
Ryan Grubb $257.50
Rachel Torok $206.00
Christine Marco $103.00
Aiden Grubb $75.00
James Grubb $75.00
Monica Kilcoyne $75.00
Lauren Oniboni $51.50
Alissa Marco $0.00
Colin Grubb $0.00
stephanie Marabella $0.00
Meaghan Hilty $0.00
Mason Hilty
Hailey Marco $0.00
Philip Marabella $0.00
Owen Hilty
Mike Kilcoyne $0.00
Shannon Hoyne $0.00
Luke Torok $0.00
Jacob Torok $0.00
Jordan Torok $0.00
Team Badges
Team : New Fundraising Record
Awarded when a Team raises more funds than during their last campaign
Awarded 06/13/2024
of your goal reached
Recent Activity
Owen Hilty joined Super James
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Mason Hilty joined Super James
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Meaghan Hilty joined Super James
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Krina Durica donated $25.00 to Super James
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Meghan Hilty donated $20.00 to Super James
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Our Supporters
- Krina Durica June 2024 $25.00
- Meghan Hilty June 2024 $20.00
- Kiley Bradbury Wish I could make it! Super James, you are helping so many people and have the most amazing Momma and family!! Have fun today guys!! June 2024 $51.50
- Anonymous June 2024
- Michael and Erin Walker Happy to help this cause. We'll keep him in our prayers. Peace, from your neighbors. June 2024
- Jennifer Marabella June 2024 $1,136.00
- Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials March 2024 $515.00
- Tangerine Retail Ventures IV, LLC May 2024 $500.00
- David Grubb March 2024 $500.00
- Stephanie Marabella March 2024 $500.00