Luke Lionheart Fundraising Page

Heart Warrior

Luke Lionheart

Thank you for visiting the Luke Lionheart fundraising page! Every year we participate in the Congenital Heart Walk to support the mission of The Children's Heart Foundation: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research.

Our son Luke was diagnosed with Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect at 22 weeks gestation. Luke is 1 in 100 babies affected by CHD and 1 in 1,857 babies are born with his defect. It's most commonly associated with Down Syndrome. 

At 2.5 months old, Luke was in failure to thrive despite how much we tried or how much medication he was administered. He was congestive heart failure which led to the decision of needing open heart surgery. 

Luke is now 3 years old and thriving. We are very lucky to have him in our lives & watch him grow, not to mention, him only needing one surgery. This is not the case for many in the CHD community. 

While CHD kills more babies and children than any other defect or disease including childhood cancer, it is severely underfunded. 

I hope you'll join me by supporting my fundraising efforts as I work to raise funds for life-saving research.





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My Supporters

  • Jason Wolf May 2023 $250.00
  • Lauren DiBattista Glad we can help support the organization that saved sweet little Luke’s life. May 2023 $51.50
  • Cristina Capezza May 2023 $20.00
  • Marisa Leonetti Love you all May 2023 $25.00
  • Larry Pearlman April 2023 $75.00
  • Jon Poshywak So happy that Luke was able to get the care that he needed. CHOP is an amazing healthcare organization with a such an important mission and incredible team of caregivers. Gab and Richie, your passion for supporting this organization is inspiring. Love, April 2023 $500.00
  • Jason Wolf May 2023 $250.00
  • Jason Wolf Great work for a meaningful cause. ❤️ March 2023 $250.00
  • Aunt Granmom To my baby boy Liukie March 2023 $206.00
  • Eric Flocco HEART HERO & WARRIOR - LUKE LEONETTI!! April 2023 $103.00