My Personal Fundraising Page
Colby’s Story
My son Colby was born in April 2024 with a congenital heart defect known as Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA). This condition occurs when the aorta and pulmonary artery, the heart's main blood vessels, are in switched positions. Unfortunately, this was not detected during ultrasounds, leaving us unprepared for what awaited Colby at birth.
He entered the world blue and struggling to breathe, prompting immediate intubation and transport via ambulance to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, from College Station, Texas. Upon arrival, Colby underwent a critical procedure called a Balloon Atrial Septostomy, which helps babies with congenital heart defects survive until they are ready for corrective surgery.
At just four days old, Colby underwent a marathon 12-hour open-heart surgery known as an Arterial Switch Operation. It was the longest day of our lives, but thankfully, the surgery was successful, and Colby began his road to recovery. The surgeon prepared us for a hospital stay of 4-6 weeks. Each day, we stood vigil by his side, marveling at the dedication of his nurses and doctors as they worked tirelessly to manage his pain and facilitate healing. Amidst the whirlwind of medical terminology, our prayers were ceaseless for Colby's future.
After 18 days of incredible strength and resilience from our little fighter, Colby was discharged from the hospital, and at last, we were able to bring him home. Though we may never fully understand why this challenge befell Colby, accepting and healing from his diagnosis has been a journey. We consider ourselves immensely fortunate to now have a healthy boy in our arms.
Today, we proudly embrace our role as the family of a heart warrior—Colby, our miracle. Our journey has inspired us to raise awareness about congenital heart diseases, ensuring that more children receive timely interventions like Colby did, and that more families experience the blessings and joy that we now cherish. ❤️
Thank you for your generosity, and for standing beside me in this mission. Your support means the world.
My Badges
Heart Aware
Awarded when Anyone reaches $75.00 in donations
Awarded 07/25/2024
First Donation
Awarded when Anyone receives 1 or more donations
Awarded 07/25/2024
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Taylor LeBlanc July 2024 $25.00
- Kristen Miles July 2024 $75.00
- Kristen Miles July 2024 $75.00
- Taylor LeBlanc July 2024 $25.00
My Teammates
Charlie Tutt $229.35
Julie Tutt Team Captain $100.00
Deborah Tutt $100.00
Joey Tutt Team Captain $100.00
Pattie Holecek $77.25
Erin Atkinson $77.25
Liam Arthur $25.75
Kellie Holecek $25.00
Joshua Holecek $0.00
Courtney Holecek $0.00
Judson Holecek $0.00
Joe Holecek $0.00
Elliott Atkinson $0.00
Morgan Tutt $0.00
Erik Tutt $0.00
Sarah Barnum $0.00
Chris Barnum $0.00
Jackson Barnum $0.00
Harper Barnum $0.00