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Thank you for visiting our team page! Every 15 minutes, a baby in this country is born with a congenital heart defect, making CHDs America's most common birth defect.

As im sure you know, Kaleb was born with complex heart defects.  He has had 3 open heart surgeries: a BT shunt when he was 6 months old, a Glenn procedure when he was 10 months old, and the Fontan procedure when he was 18 months old. After these procedures Kaleb was left with a single ventrical heart. Kalebs case is unique however because he does have both ventricals, the placement of his defects partnered with the complexity of his senario made the single ventrical heart the only viable option.

The Congenital Heart Walk is dedicated to raising funds to support The Children's Heart Foundation's mission: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CHDs by funding the most promising research.

Will you join us? By supporting our team or joining us in our walk, you're supporting research that will help save and improve the lives of babies born, and children and adults living, with CHD, including Kaleb.


Thank you so much for helping us support Kaleb and his future.





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