Lainey's Heart Journey

At our 20 week anatomy scan, we learned that our sweet Lainey was going to be born with a congenital heart defect. She was diagnosed with Coarctation of the Aorta (narrowing of her aorta), a VSD (hole in the ventricle), a bicuspid and very thick aortic valve, and an underdeveloped left side of her heart - this combinations of issues is technically referred to as Shone’s Complex. Lainey will need open heart surgery to fix her coarctated aorta and VSD about 7-10 days after birth. We are predicting that after surgery and will stay in the CICU for about a month after. 


Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect in the US! Almost 1 in 100 babies are born with a CHD. Thanks to reseach done by foundations like the Children's Heart Foundation, our sweet Lainey can get the lifesaving care she needs right after birth. With these donations, we hope CHD research can help save other heart warriors' lives!

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My Supporters

  • Heather Morrison 2 weeks ago $412.00
  • Kelsey & Lucas Gilbreath 5 weeks ago $1,000.00
  • Trevor Garbers 5 weeks ago $100.00
  • Kelsey & Lucas Gilbreath 5 weeks ago $1,000.00
  • Heather Morrison 2 weeks ago $412.00
  • Trevor Garbers 5 weeks ago $100.00