Donor Leaderboard

CC First Place

Cleveland Clinic Children's


LA Second Place

Loyal and True Foundation


UR Third Place

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital


A Fourth Place



EF Fifth Place

Elios Financial Group


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Cleveland Clinic Children's $25,000.00
2 Loyal and True Foundation $10,000.00
3 UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital $7,500.00
4 Anonymous $3,740.00
5 Elios Financial Group $1,000.00
6 Middlefield Banking Company $500.00
7 Fit by Five Preschool & Summer Camp $400.00
8 Crystal Stewart $165.00
9 Phillip Hearne $155.25
10 Bethany Force $150.00
11 Brenda Sawyer $150.00
12 Kathleen Fogle $150.00
13 Mallory Derbfuss $150.00
14 Erica Webb $125.00
15 Erica Webb $125.00
16 Bailey Fullwiler $103.50
17 John Lozier $51.75
18 Rebecca Andersen $51.75
19 Mallory Derbfuss $51.75
20 Crystal Stewart $50.00
21 Anonymous $31.05
22 Crystal Stewart $30.00
23 Jessica Gutai $25.87
24 Leannie McAllister $25.87
25 Sara Georgeff-Aber $20.70
26 Jean Ann Sexton $20.70
27 Crystal Stewart $20.00
28 Crystal Stewart $10.00
29 Crystal Stewart $5.00
30 Crystal Stewart $5.00
31 Crystal Stewart $5.00