Our Team Fundraising Page
Thank you for visiting Team Chance's fundraising page!
Every 15 minutes, a baby in this country is born with a congenital heart defect, making CHDs America's most common birth defect. Our little heart warrior was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), and has already undergone two open-heart surgeries.
If not for modern medicine, Chance would not be alive today.
The Congenital Heart Walk is dedicated to raising funds to support The Children's Heart Foundation's mission: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CHDs by funding the most promising research.
Will you join us? By supporting our team or joining us in our walk, you're supporting research that will help save and improve the lives of babies born, and children and adults living, with CHDs. Thank you!
Our Team
Quincey Bourgeois Team Captain $127.25
Dahlia Delgado $0.00
Chance Delgado $0.00
David Delgado $0.00
Roxanna Delgado $0.00
Yvette Delgado $0.00
Julian Delgado $0.00
Warrick Winslow $0.00
Fabian Delgado $0.00
Erick Delgado $0.00
Julie Chamberlain $0.00
Linda Rigsby $0.00
Johnny Rigsby $0.00
Tay Winslow $0.00
Carla Keller $0.00
Alfonso Almendariz $0.00
Corina Almendariz $0.00
Lucy Almendariz $0.00
Sofia Almendariz $0.00
Jose Delgado $0.00
Lucia Ramirez $0.00
Raymundo Delgado $0.00
Sean Winslow $0.00
Team Badges
Most Team Members - Event Day
Awarded when a Team gets the most team members by 04/24/23 12:00 AM
Awarded 04/11/2023
Recent Activity
Jose Delgado donated $103.00 to Team Chance
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Diego & Gabi Alonso donated $51.50 to Team Chance
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Johnny Rigsby joined Team Chance
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Linda Rigsby joined Team Chance
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$103.00 was donated to Team Chance
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Our Supporters
- Jose Delgado Mi pequeño Chance, eres una bendición de Dios. Eres un niño fuerte y lleno de vida. Te amamos, tus abuelos. August 2023 $103.00
- Diego & Gabi Alonso We love you, Chance and Delgado Family August 2023 $51.50
- Anonymous August 2023 $103.00
- Erick Delgado June 2023 $65.00
- June and Hendrix Rivas We aren’t sure if we will be up for the walk, but want to send lots of love to our Primo Chance and support him and all the other heart warriors! June 2023 $51.50
- Jose Delgado Mi pequeño Chance, eres una bendición de Dios. Eres un niño fuerte y lleno de vida. Te amamos, tus abuelos. August 2023 $103.00
- Anonymous August 2023 $103.00
- Quincey Bourgeois Keep thriving, precious boy. We are so proud of you! April 2023 $103.00
- Corina Almendariz Baby Chance! We love you so much and you are such a warrior. You are our hero! Continue to be strong and full of life! We love you Almendariz Family April 2023 $103.00
- Quincey Bourgeois April 2023 $77.25