My Personal Fundraising Page

Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! We are participating in the 2023 Congenital Heart Walk to support the mission of The Children's Heart Foundation: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research.

As many or all know, Linc was diagnosed with a very rare Congenital Heart Defect at our 20 week anatomy scan on Friday, September 13, 2019, an Absent Ductus Venosus. As a result, the blood flow from the umbilical cord was going directly into his right atrium, severely enlarging his heart and causing many problems. Lincoln was not expected to survive pregnancy and if he did, we were told to expect heart failure. We had "options" and the words of one doctor stuck in our heads and still do today, "best case scenario is we cut the cord and the problem goes away, maybe he'll be a best case scenario". So we went biweekly for scans and monthly for all cardiac testing and figured if we are going to focus on the statistics, we should focus on the good ones, too. We truly believe had he not been delivered prematurely (for unrelated reasons), he would not be with us today. 

After birth, he was diagnosed with a second (but fortunately milder) Congenital Heart Defect, an Atrial Septal Defect or hole in his heart. For the past three years, we have had regular cardiology appointments to monitor the size and at a "big deal" appointment this past March, were told the hole now is appearing small enough to where a procedure wouldn't be required and we could be released. While the journey is not over and we still have to monitor closely for signs and symptoms, we are relieved and grateful and excited to celebrate with our loved ones and many others in similar (or worse) situations. 

There is no easy way out when your child is diagnosed with a medical condition. When you choose to become a parent, you choose to fight for them and with them and do whatever it takes to better their lives. It is a privilege that comes with tremendous responsibility, joy, and heartache. Each family participating has endured so many stressors from their diagnosis, whether received during pregnancy or during childhood. Each family deserves all the resources, education, services and research they can or choose to have. It allows us to fight for our babies for a better life, and allows us to EASE some of their pain and fight. Every child here has a different battle and story, but every single one and every parent or family here is showing up to support them. They are here for a reason and are worth fighting for. 

While we know there are countless hardships and medical issues in the world, we truly thank you for supporting one so close to our hearts. 1 in 100 babies diagnosed each year. Information is power. And knowing that we are contributing to easing the burden and making treatment options for each family who will be in shoes similar to or worse than ours is everything. Linc continues to defy every odd against him and survive. It is empowering to see and we want to make sure HE always knows that he was worth the fight and that he continues to, in all aspects of his life. While his story could've ended very differently, this walk gives HOPE and encouragement. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. 

With love,


Garret, Alex, and Linc






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My Supporters

  • Lincoln Davis June 2023 $100.00
  • Beth Kallock We love you Linc! June 2023
  • Nick Leonello June 2023 $100.00
  • Matt Parish June 2023 $257.50
  • Timothy Attenberger June 2023 $51.50
  • Matt Parish June 2023 $257.50
  • Lincoln Davis June 2023 $100.00
  • Nick Leonello June 2023 $100.00
  • Timothy Attenberger June 2023 $51.50