My Personal Fundraising Page
I walk for my first son Jack who was born September 20, 2021 under a full moon. He was born with TGA and tragically lived just 29 days, passing away from complications after his open heart surgery. Kevin and I spent every day with him, reading, drawing and dreaming of the future we did not get together. Jack's struggle with CHD had many more hard days than good days and for that I am forever sorry. After Jack died I was at a complete loss, why and how did this happen?
I am still at the very begining of what will be a life long journey to mother and fight for Jack. So far that search has brought me to the New England Volunteer Chapter of the Children's Heart Foundation. As a representative of the state of Connecticut I hope to raise awareness and funds such that less families know our struggle and that more children like Jack get to survive and thrive.
Jack- I miss you every second of every day. All my steps are for you baby boy. Love, Mom
My Supporters
- Katie McBride Wilson May 2023
- Dakota Stranik May 2023 $51.50
- Kerry Miller For Jack, love Aunt Kerry & Uncle Danny May 2023
- Linda A Rathbone May 2023 $103.00
- Lauren DiGovanni Sending love from the DiGovannis. May 2023 $50.00
- Tina Ladd Dedicated to Jack Hobson. May 2023 $135.19
- Linda A Rathbone May 2023 $103.00
- Alana Pevets Parker Sending love and hugs, and thinking often about sweet Jack. Love, Alana, Chris and Charlie May 2023 $103.00
- Jaqi and Benno Cohen-Hirschfeld-Sussman May 2023 $103.00
- Palmyra Geraki May 2023 $103.00