Terrapin Heart Warrior Team Page
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! Team Terrapin Heart Warriors is excited to again participate in the Philadelphia Congenital Heart Walk to support the mission of The Children's Heart Foundation: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research.
This will be Terrapin Heart Warriors 6th Heart Walk Event and each year has been special for its own reasons. From our inaugural walk in Washington DC, to several years at the Hershey Walk, to a unique Virtual event walking with friends and family in our neighborhood during Covid restrictions, to last years event at Harrisburg's Walk. We have enjoyed each event and look forward to joining a new city this year with our participation in the Phildelphia Heart Walk.
Declan's heart journey began in utero when he was diagnosed with Complete Heart Block. Surgical intervention was always a "when" not "if" circumstance. His first pacemaker was implanted just prior to his first birthday on February 3, 2016. Almost four years to the date later on February 5, 2020 his device needed to be replaced after an unexpected failure occurred. Fast forward to October 21, 2022 and Declan was forced to endure his third surgery after the pacemaker again failed unexpectedly. His attitude during each surgery was nothing short of heroic. Lindsay and I will forever be in awe of the courage and strength such a young boy is able to possess. Declan is the epitome of a Heart Warrior!!!
We love participating in these Heart Walks to support the critical fundraising efforts that advance medicine and reserach for congential heart defects. Equally important to us is exposing Declan and his brother Levi to other children that are battling similar heart conditions. In addition to that, they get to see productive adults leading a "normal life" who have grown up, battled, and overcome the obstacles that are presented when living with a heart defect.
I hope you'll join me by supporting my fundraising efforts as I work to raise funds for life-saving research.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Patricia Sorrentino May 2023 $51.50
- Dennis M Quirk Have a Great Day Kids..! XO May 2023
- Steve Janowitz May 2023
- Andrew Tress May 2023 $103.00
- Justin Graham Happy Heart Walk Declan! Love The Graham’s May 2023 $154.50
- Michael Deremeik Thanks family and friends!!! April 2023 $250.00
- Justin Graham Happy Heart Walk Declan! Love The Graham’s May 2023 $154.50
- Andrew Tress May 2023 $103.00
- Patricia Sorrentino May 2023 $51.50
- Norah Edwardsk Declan you are a Terrapin Heart Warrior & our miracle boy. I am so proud of you. May 2023 $25.00