Elliott's Fundraising Page

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! We am participating in the Congenital Heart Walk to support the mission of The Children's Heart Foundation: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research.

Elliott was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) in utero at 20 weeks. He has had 3 open heart surgeries, 2 cardiac cath lab procedures, and a pacemaker placement. Our journey those first four years had some ups and downs but thankfully Elliott is now 7, full of life and LOVING playing hockey!

There is no cure for Elliott's CHD only the set of three palliative care surgeries to hopefully give him a long, happy life.  While it is calming to think most major surgeries are behind us (hopefully) it’s also a little bit scary to think if he needs further intervention a heart transplant may be our only option. We are trying to change that by raising money for The Children's Heart Foundation to increase research for more options not only for Elliott’s future but also for all kiddos with CHDs!

We hope you will join us on October 29th for the walk! Please consider joining our team and/or making a donation. No donation is too small; even $5 helps! Most employers will match your donation so make sure to add your organizations name or check out their Giving Matching Program! Without donations and research these surgical options would not have been available to Elliott. Thank you for joining our team and donating to this life saving organization.

I hope you'll join me by supporting my fundraising efforts as I work to raise funds for life-saving research.

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My Supporters

  • Holly October 2023 $25.75
  • Dana October 2023 $20.60
  • Lindsey October 2023
  • Anonymous October 2023
  • Katie October 2023
  • Elizabeth October 2023 $103.00
  • Eric From Liam and Keegan Wood :) September 2023 $103.00
  • Barbara Sonya, good luck on this year's walk! Will be in ATL so unable to participate physically but sending love to all. So happy to learn Elliott doing so well! August 2023 $103.00
  • Mark & Sharon August 2023 $100.00
  • Grace ❤️❤️❤️ October 2023 $51.50

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