Amazing Feats for Heartbeats ♥️
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! I am participating in the Congenital Heart Walk to support the mission of The Children's Heart Foundation: to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research.
I hope you'll join me by supporting my fundraising efforts as I work to raise funds for life-saving research.
My Badges
Heart Aware
Awarded when Anyone reaches $75.00 in donations
Awarded 01/31/2023
Heart Friend
Awarded when Anyone reaches $150.00 in donations
Awarded 01/31/2023
First Donation
Awarded when Anyone receives 1 or more donations
Awarded 01/31/2023
Profile Completed
Awarded when Anyone completes their profile
Awarded 02/14/2023
Heart Hero
Awarded when Anyone reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 05/14/2023
Heart Warrior
Awarded when Anyone reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 06/07/2023
Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 06/07/2023
My Supporters
- Betti Ayivi-Ga Togbassa June 2023 $51.50
- Fabrice Ayivi-Ga Togbassa June 2023 $51.50
- Cory Cleggett June 2023 $51.50
- Tiphanie Anderson June 2023 $51.50
- Bengisu Dost June 2023 $51.50
- Tiffanie Jeffrey January 2023 $206.00
- Dawn Melquist May 2023 $103.00
- Denard & Phylicia Samuel May 2023 $100.00
- Stephenie & Brian Blossomgame May 2023 $100.00
- Facebook Donor May 2023 $100.00
My Teammates
Tiffanie Jeffrey Team Captain $1,208.00
Maebelle Obispo $0.00
Eli Roberts $0.00
Tiphanie Anderson $0.00
Khalid Anderson $0.00
Elijah Anderson $0.00
Christopher Jeffrey
Dylan Jeffrey
Aayden Jeffrey
Kenneth Brown $0.00